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We are the first worldwide Systemic Trauma University, co-founded by the founder of Collective Trauma Work Sistemically Oriented, Dr. Anngwyn St Just Ph. D., in the conviction that Trauma can be healed.
Our team of international Teachers from the United States, Israel, Germany, Peru, and Argentina are all first and second generation trained under Bert Hellinger, whose philosophy of life we ​​embrace.
Our Training Programs basically in English language bring innovative therapeutic work to students and participants from all continents thanks to the technology of remote face-to-face meetings.
Our mission is to inform on Systemic Trauma Work tonmake a difference both in your daily life, climical practice and  in all professions.
Bert Hellinger himself said it in a  meeting with Dr. Anngwyn St. Just and Dr. Peter Levine in Switzerland held at the beginning of the century. Hellinger, interested in Trauma Work within Family Constellations to prevent re-traumatization, then told Dr. St. Just after seeing her work: "You have the missing piece in Family Constellations".
In this University, unique worldwide, we integrate Systemic Trauma Work, Systemic Constellations, the philosophy of Bert Hellinger and the healing work of Dr. Levine's Somatic Experience.
Dr. St. Just and Dr. Levine mantained a co-creative relationship for more than 40 years.
Our vision is to train for a world where we can work on the broken connections that the Collective trauma leaves in layers on family systems, transgenerationally, on individuals, on their health expressed as diseases, on disconnected human relationships and a life with no fullness.
Trauma is disconnection, separation and by working on it, by learning how to do it, we are awakening our resilience to improve our environments and thus our lives.
Our University was born in resilience, when the world went through one of the most difficult moments in its history. We embrace values such as Truth, Coherence and Courage.
Dr. St. Just and the Professors of this institution are in tune with the philosophy of Bert Hellinger and his teachings on the Great Forces that shape the world, Collective Destiny (and Collective loss), Consciousness and the importance of the Spiritual dimension.
Because History matters and weaves our family and individual destinies and because, without knowing it, we are condemned to repeat fractals in time and space.
History has reached us through more over than 800 participants from all over the world who have visited our virtual classrooms since we began. The richness of our encounters are both History and  Traumas that each one of the students and the participants bring with them because of belonging and love. Thanks to the systemic work with traumas we car reunite our soul in the individual-collective inhabiting us towards plenitude.



certified students


countries, 5 continents


annual meetings


 participants since 2020

Director & Emeritus Professor

Systemically oriented social traumatologist, founder and main international specialist in Systemic Collective/Social Trauma. She has advanced Academic Degrees, given by the Western Institute for Social Research, and the University of California at Berkeley.
Dr. St. Just is also a cultural historian, therapist, and a somatic educator, specialized in developing multimodal cross cul
tural methods based upon easily transmitted concepts for trauma education and recovery. 
Currently the director of the University Systemic Trauma Work, also of the The Arizona Center for the Social Trauma International (ACST International),she has served as advisor to the Drugs and Alcohol
Authorities - Dr. Anngwyn St. Just
Program at the University of California Berkeley.
She was considered as a colleague by Bert Hellinger, developer of Family Constellations and for over 40 years, she has mantained a co-creative relationship with Peter Levine, founder of Somatic Experiencing ®, a method chosen by the NASA for trauma treatment.
Dr. St. Just, who is an international conferencist and has trained over ten thousand people around the world over sixty years of career, has traveled widely in North and South America, Europe, Russia and Australia teaching innovative ways of healing individual and social trauma. Dr. St. Just is the author of numerous articles and wrote more than ten books about Trauma and Family Constellation translated to Spanish and German. 
Authorities Graciela Lauro
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Rector, Educational Director & Professor

Holds a Communication Sciences and Journalism Degree from the University of Buenos Aires. She is the Director of Signos Ediciones, a publishing company dedicated to systemic works. Miss Lauro is the organizer of Dr. Anngwyn St Just trainings in South America since 2018. She edited the main books and video recordings of Bert Hellinger in Spanish between 2006 and 2016. 
She also edited and published the main titles of Dr. Anngwyn St. Just in Spanish.
She is the author of the first book written in Spanish about Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations work : “A Reconciliation with Origin and Destiny” (Four editions, 5.000 copies sold).
She won the most important journalism awards in Argentina, one from the newspaper “La Nación” (The Nation) and another from “ADEPA” (Main Newspapers Association) for an extensive article about Children’s Sexual Commercial Exploitation and Abuse in South America. She also won another award from the University of Buenos Aires for an article on Human Rights during the Dictatorship in Argentina between 1976 and 1983.
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Lucía Caruso

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Anand Sarjano
Translator Spa-Eng


Prof. Nora Francione
Interpreter Spa-Eng-Ita

Stephen Campbell
Honorable Translator 
Spa-Eng (Perú)


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